
In 2007 I was invited to give a lecture at the University of Bologna. I added a few days to my trip to explore Bologna itself and to visit Florence. I had a great time, although, of course, the weather helped. Bologna is famous for its arcade lined streets. The Asinelli Tower, the highest of the Two Towers, offers amazing views of the city and surrounding landscape. As in any Italian town you can just walk into a church and happen upon some amazing painting or altar piece. I’d love to go back one day, if only to taste more of the delicious gelato for which Bologna is famous.

I was lucky to be able to visit some historical buildings during my trip to Bologna
Vintage car inside the courtyard of a historical building
I loved these rooms to let notice boards
Vintage doll at a flea market, Bologna
Stairs to the top of the Asinelli Tower, Bologna
View of Bologna from the top of the Asinelli Tower
Certosa di Bologna
I forgot which church this was

More Italy! Rome, Venice and Florence.

If you can't get enough of Italy: Tuscany and Siena.