
I had been planning to travel to Iceland for a long time, but my previous attempts failed because I could no longer book a hotel at every point on my itinerary. So this time around I booked well in advance, but even so I couldn't stay in every hotel of my choice. Unfortunately, as on many recent trips I had a lot of rain. Indeed, locals told me that the summer of 2018 was one of the wettest in recent history. Even so, I had a great time and I'm already planning a second trip. The photos here are uncategorized and were taken across Iceland.

The famous wreck of a US Navy DC on the black beach at Sólheimasandur. Beware: it's a 2 hour walk from the parking lot.
Clouds from a steam vent at the Gunnuhver Geothermal Area
Colourful mud pool at the Gunnuhver Geothermal Area
Where lava meets the sea. The coast of Reykjanes.
Gjáin is a breathtakingly beautiful oasis in the Þjórsárdalur valley 
Somewhere between Egilsstaðir and Myvatn
I hiked the rim of the Hverfjall crater. It was extremely windy and I had great difficulty keeping on my feet.
The mighty Dettifoss
A geothermal area in Landmannalaugar
Nothing to see here

If you like these photos be sure to check out the photos I took at Jokulsarlon, Leirhnjúkur, Reynisfjara, Hljóðaklettar, the Námafjall geothermal area, the Seltún-Krýsuvík geothermal area and the Falljökull glacier.