The Holland Animation Film Festival is one of the oldest and largest of its kind. As of this year it has become an annual event, which testifies to the vitality of animation as an art form. I only had time to see a few programmes and I don't have time to write an extensive review, so I'll just list some of my favourite shorts here.
"The tale of little puppet boy" by Swedish director Johannes Nyholm won the award in the category narrative. I loved it. It's really funny how he is sweating clay. "Je criais contre la vie, ou pour elle" by Vergine Keaton won in the category non-narrative. It's a very powerful movie.
"Please say something" by David OReilly was one of the highlights of this year's festival. The story is funny, the technique innovative and form and content reinforce each other.
I really liked the explosion of shapes and colours of "Jam" by Mirai Mizue. It should really be seen on a large screen though. What to say about "Skhizein" by Jérémy Clapin other than that it is exceptionally well-made and has a funny and original story-line? "Photograph of Jesus" by Laurie Hill is an experimental collage based on actual image requests received by Getty Images using images from the archive. I also really liked the scratched drawing technique in "View" by Nayoon Rhee.