I was stuck on a train for several hours, so I didn't get to see all the programs I'd been planning to see and for which I already had tickets.
I had already watched the awesome "Logorama" online but I enjoyed seeing it on a big screen. I also enjoyed "Sinna Mann" directed by Anita Killi, although enjoy is probably the wrong word, as it deals with domestic violence. The ending was a bit disappointing though. I had another chance to see "The Tale of Little Puppetboy" by Johannes Nyholm, which was one of my favourites at last year's festival.
Other highlights of this year's festival included "Pixels" directed by Patrick Jean, "Big Bang Big Boom", the new film by Blu, "A Different Bunny" by Danijel Zezelj and the amazing hand-drawn "Les Journeaux de Lipsett" by Theodore Ushev.
I was also glad I managed to see "The Illusionist" the new full-length film by Sylvain Chomet of "Les Triplettes de Belleville" fame.