Social networks can create the illusion that something is common when it is actually rare.
The rapidly vanishing Mer de Glace. I visited the Mer de Glace this summer and was shocked to see how far it has retreated. I wish I'd visited 20 years ago.
Yale University will receive 136.20 euros in interest on a perpetual bond issued in 1648 from a Dutch water authority.
This scientific study caught my eye: Duration of urination does not change with body size.
The Mouse of Wall Street. Cover for The New Yorker by Joost Swarte.
Oliver Sacks has passed away. Oliver Sacks wrote a beautiful and moving essay when he first learned that he had terminal cancer. It was after reading an essay by Oliver Sacks that I realized that the strange visual sensations I've had since childhood are in fact a form of or a symptom of migraine.