A new study challenges one of the most celebrated and controversial ideas in network science: the proposition that most complex networks in the real world — from the World Wide Web to interacting proteins in a cell — are “scale-free.”
The MIT Introduction to Deep Learning is definitely one of the best courses of its kind currently available online.
No longer writing, Philip Roth still has plenty to say.
Is the era of quantum computing here? Interesting series of articles by Quanta Magazine. In four words: Don't believe the hype.
This data visualization overview table is used by the Financial Times to decide which visualization to use.
Inside the Amazon's deforestation crisis. Excellent piece of reportage. Makes me sad and angry.
Die Autokonzerne leiden unter eigenen Fehlern und krassen staatlichen Fehlanreizen. "Der Staat sollte einen einfachen, verlässlichen und zeitlosen Ordnungsrahmen setzen, der vor allem eines ist: technologieneutral."
To this day, rongorongo remains a puzzle, an enigma, and a mirror for the folly of those who try to solve it. "Experts cannot even agree whether it is an alphabet, a syllabary, a mnemonic, or a rebus."
The New York Times reviews three recent books about science's inference problem.