The day the earth died. A young paleontologist may have discovered a record of the most significant event in the history of life on Earth.
What are the limits of deep learning?
Group formation and cohesion of active particles with visual perception–dependent motility.
Cats know their names — whether they care is another matter.
Using physics to make sense of the brain's tangled networks.
The Dutch East India Company was richer than Apple, Google and Facebook combined. Whether that was/is a good thing is another matter.
Brain implants that let you speak your mind. A brain–computer interface device synthesizes speech using the neural signals that control lip, tongue, larynx and jaw movements, and could be a stepping stone to restoring speech function in individuals unable to speak.
Stadium shows in the age of mechanical reproduction. Excellent post by ftalphaville. As rock bands age and audience tastes shift, stadium acts may soon be a thing of the past.
The new physics needed to probe the origins of life. Stuart Kauffman has a new book out in which he elaborates on the thesis put forth in his book At Home in the Universe, which I greatly enjoyed when it came out. "In a way that only he can, Kauffman has asked the questions we need to solve the mystery of life and its origins. But there is much work for the next generation to do to answer them."
Just in case you missed the hype, another good primer on bitcoin by Donald Mackenzie.
Brains speed up perception by guessing what’s next. Your expectations shape and quicken your perceptions. This has always been a central tenet of my own research as well. A new model that explains the effect suggests it’s time to update theories about sensory processing.