What artist Paul McCarthy has drawn and learned from Instagram in the pandemic.
Verblendet vom Augenblick. Die Corona-Krise wurde panisch zum ungeheuren Epochenbruch stilisiert. In Wahrheit erleben wir etwas anderes: Der Staat erfindet sich gerade neu – indem er Risikopolitik betreibt. Essay by Andreas Reckwitz.
Die Corona-Krise hält der modernen Gesellschaft einen Spiegel vor und offenbart ihre Defizite, sagt der Soziologe Andreas Reckwitz. Ein Gespräch über das Ende der traditionellen Mittelklasse, den neuen starken Staat und ostdeutsche Entwertungserfahrungen.
Jessica Riskin reviews The Scientific Method: An Evolution of Thinking from Darwin to Dewey by Henry M. Cowles.
Review of Michelangelo, God’s Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece.
The scandal of our drug supply. Review of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom by Katherine Eban.
Magh Mela, an annual Hindu pilgrimage and festival that draws millions of people in a single day. "Each year, devotees from all across the country congregate at the spot where the Ganges, Yamuna, and mythical Saraswati rivers converge at Prayagraj in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. There, devotees dip in the water, which they believe cleanses them of their sins."
Review of Adèle, The Perfect Nanny, Sex and Lies and Le Pays des Autres. 1er Partie: La guerre, la guerre, la guerre by Leila Slimani.
What trade wars tell us. Martin Wolf reviews Trade Wars Are Class Wars by Matthew Klein and Michael Pettis. "The imbalances that caused the eurozone crisis, the debt explosions in the US and peripheral Europe, and again in post-financial-crisis China go back to two fundamental failures: the distribution of income away from the bulk of the population towards wealthy elites and the unique global role of the dollar." (..) "If we do not recognise and respond to these challenges, we may find ourselves persistently mired in the world of imbalances and trade wars. This is not a good place to be. We should escape."