July 2013 I made a nine day road trip through Norway. I instantly fell in love. Of course, the weather helped: apart from the day of my departure it was nice and sunny. August 2016 I returned for a second, 16 day road trip, but this time it rained for much of my stay, so much so that on some days there was no point in getting out of the car. I'm still in love though and I plan to go back one day.

Somewhere along Norwegian Scenic Route Aurlandsfjellet, which runs from Aurlandsvangen to Lærdalsøyri
Somewhere along Norwegian Scenic Route Aurlandsfjellet
Just beyond Trollstigen
The Bøyabreen glacier has split in two
Waterfall near Kjenndalsbreen
Near Austerdalsbreen
Dense vegetation on the way to Buerbreen. A nice hike, but the glacier has already receded too far.
This photo was taken along the road from Loen to Kjenndal. The roads along the fjords can be pretty narrow! The car nearest the pull out has to go back to make way for an approaching car. I actually encountered a tourist bus on this road. And yes, I've driven roads that were even narrower and without a barrier.
I didn't see any trolls
Nature is resilient
View from my hotel in Skjolden 

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