On my way to Cambodia I made a stopover in Singapore. Upon arrival I found the weather, or rather the climate, rather oppressing and it took me a day or two to adjust to the combination of high temperature and high humidity. Singapore has an outstanding food scene, which, of course, is difficult to capture in photos. The breakfast buffet at my admittedly luxurious hotel was one of the best I've encountered and every lunch and diner I had was memorable. Fruit stalls offer a surprising variety of exotic fruit, at least exotic to me, and I couldn't resist trying each and every item. Singapore as a whole is well organised, except for the area known as Little India, which is as messy as any city in India. I don't understand why this is so, it must be a cultural thing.

Street lined with air conditioning units, Singapore

Without air conditioning Singapore would be hard to live in

The Interlace, Singapore

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