Siem Reap

Siem Reap is more than just a gateway to the temples of Angkor and the floating villages on the Tonlé Sap Lake. It's actually quite a nice town. To get a taste of the real Cambodia I visited the Psar Leu Market, the largest and most authentic market in Siem Reap. What I love about markets, at least in Asia and the Middle East, is that there is so much going on and everybody just goes about doing their business while I'm taking photos.

Just an ordinary street in Siem Reap
At the Psar Leu Market
Occasionally the vendors wave a plastic bag on a stick to get rid of the flies

The temples of Angkor: Angkor Thom, Ta Prohm, Banteay Kdei, Ta Som, Preah Khan, Thommanon, Banteay Samre and the astonishing Beng Mealea, which is a long drive from Siem Reap.