As part of the Ensor year Antwerp’s photography museum (FOMU) has organized a retrospective of the American artist Cindy Sherman with a specific focus on her engagement with the world of fashion.
In 2024, James Ensor is being celebrated across Belgium to mark 75 years since the artist's death. The KMSKA has organized a comprehensive survey of his work with loans from around the world.
I enjoyed the Tom Wesselmann retrospective at the Fondation Louis Vuitton much more than I had expected. The exhibition doubles as a grand survey of Pop Art, with works by all the usual suspects and some surprises.
To celebrate the centenary of the birth of Surrealism the Centre Pompidou, in collaboration with several other museums, has organized a large survey, which shows Surrealism in all its breadth and geographical scope.
I wish I had scheduled more time to visit Bande Dessinée 1964-2024, the amazing comic art exhibition at the Centre Pompidou. There was simply too much to see and discover and too many artists that I had never heard of.
The Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris has organized an interesting but somewhat uneven exhibition, which explores how artists responded to the advent of the atomic age and the invention of the atomic bomb.
Travelling is the first major exhibition dedicated to Belgian film maker Chantal Akerman and features installations, film excerpts and never-before-seen archive material.
To celebrate its 90th anniversary the Musée Marmottan Monet has organized a fascinating exhibition tracing the history of the trompe l’oeil painting from the 16th century to the present.
A selection of works from the Museum Berggruen is currently on show at the Musée de l’Orangerie. They beautifully complement the Musée de l’Orangerie's own collection making this a perfect time to visit.